COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the current mask policy at McDermott Road?

Masks are optional at all of our services, and recommended when cases and hospitalizations are significantly increasing.

2. What if someone tests positive for COVID-19 after attending a McDermott Road gathering?

Out of concern for others, we ask that you please personally inform any attendees with whom you may have been sitting by or had prolonged contact. Also, please inform the church office.

3. Is there a point at which COVID-19 might cause McDermott Road to cancel services, classes, or gatherings again?

At this time, the elders do not have any plans to cancel services, classes, or gatherings. However, with the rising number of cases and hospitalizations in our area, the elders encourage everyone to exercise awareness and caution when choosing whether or not to attend in-person gatherings. We will continue to offer several online options so that both adults and children can worship, study, and connect virtually.

4. What is McDermott Road doing to minister to members who are ill with COVID-19?

When a McDermott Road member is experiencing any sickness or crisis, we want to do our best to surround that brother or sister with love and care. If you are in need of any sort of assistance, please contact the church office, your Life Group leader, or someone in our church leadership. If you know of others in the community we might minister to, please contact the church office.

Please Note Before Attending:

In order to help diminish the risks associated with COVID-19, please choose an online option if you or someone in your family:

  • Is experiencing symptoms that may be consistent with COVID-19 (fever, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, chills, body aches, etc.);
  • Has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10 days;
  • Has had close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 7 days.

For More Information: