What to Expect

The Setting

Driving down McDermott Road, you will see a large, colored, digital sign marking our main entrance. Just beyond that is a circular drive marked for guests to drop off family and friends, with guest parking nearby. Upon entering the building, the youth and children’s wing will be immediately to your right, and the worship center to your left. If you are attending one of our services, please feel free to take a seat wherever you would like; your comfort is our priority.

The Singing

Here at McDermott Road, we take our worship very seriously. We desire to sing praises to our almighty Father using the voices God has given us. (1 Corinthians 14:15; Ephesians 5:18-19; Colossians 3:16; Hebrews 2:12) If you do not know the songs we sing, it is not a problem. The words and music will be projected on our screen. The songs can also be found in our song books located beneath the seat in front of you.

The Praying

There are countless reasons for us to be thankful for Jesus’ sacrifice and death on the cross. One reason is that prayer allows us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to communicate freely with our God. We believe that prayer is extremely important to keep ourselves focused and aligned with God and His will. We believe in the power of prayer and we often pray for specific desires or needs. Our elders meet with anyone needing prayer after each worship service in a specially-marked prayer room, near the main foyer.

The Preaching

Our God inspired His scriptures for a reason: so that we might learn from them. Every Sunday a Biblically-grounded sermon will be given, and each lesson will be founded in Scripture while its preparation will have been saturated with prayer. Most Sundays, Wes McAdams will be preaching. We do not refer to him as ‘Father,’ or as ‘Pastor,’ but simply as Wes. No one involved in the service will be wearing any special clothes, or will be set apart from anyone else at all. We are all God’s sons and daughters, regardless of position in any earthly place, including a Church. We have no hierarchy of faith. We believe that we are all a priesthood of believers (Matthew 23:8-12; Galatians 3:26-28; 1 Peter 2:5,9)..

The Inviting

While it is not our goal to manipulate you or guilt you into making any decisions, as Christians we are called to share the Good News with everyone, and it is our desire for you to join the Body of Christ. Because of this desire, there will be an invitation to align yourself with Christ in baptism after the sermon is over. This time, however is more than just a time for baptisms. Our elders and ministry staff will be present in the front of the auditorium after the sermon and in the Prayer Room (located off the main foyer) after the service for any need you might have. They will be available to hear concerns that have been laid upon your heart, to pray with you if you are struggling, and to rejoice with you if you are rejoicing. If someone does come forward to be baptized, they will be baptized by immersion for the forgiveness of their sins according to the scriptures (Acts 2:38, 8:35-39; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12). Most importantly, this is not a time to feel pressured. You will by no means be expected to come forward or to identify yourself in any way that makes you uncomfortable.

The Lord's Supper

It is our desire to never forget the sacrifice Jesus made for us and by which we are saved. Based on the teachings of the New Testament and the example of Jesus Christ, we partake in communion every Sunday in remembrance of that sacrifice.

NOTE: At the appropriate time, we will pass a tray from which you can pick up a “communion kit.” Each kit is in a ziplock bag containing a sealed plastic cup with both the bread and the juice for communion.

The Bread

A short devotional will be offered by a member of our congregation, reminding us of the importance of Christ’s sacrifice, followed by a prayer and the eating of the unleavened bread, symbolizing the body of Christ, offered on the cross for our sins. As each participating individual eats the bread, they do so in obedience to Jesus’ words, “Take, eat; this is my body” (Matthew 26:26). 

The Cup

After a few more comments, a prayer will be offered for the cup, which symbolizes the blood of Christ. Each participating individual will take their cup and drink it, remembering Jesus’ words, “Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:27-28).

Examining Ourselves

We encourage baptized believers to partake in communion every Sunday. Joining with us around the Lord’s table should be a confession of one’s faith, and each person should examine themselves before partaking, “For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.” (1 Corinthians 11:29-30, ESV). If one is not in the right state of mind, they should feel free not to participate.


The Offering

As a guest, we do not ask you to give any money at all. But there will be a time in our service when our members will be encouraged to give online or into a box in the foyer. A prayer will be offered for the ministries we are supporting. We know that nothing is achieved without the grace of God, and that our resources have come from Him. Knowing this, it is our desire to glorify Him with our gifts, as seen in the model of 1 Corinthians 16. Again, there is no pressure for our guests to participate.